Friday, February 6, 2009

Thanks to all who stopped by our booth to take a look. And a special thanks to everyone that gave us feedback! We really appreciate it! The whole event went really well and was a big success overall. We're hoping to get some new shirts out by the end of February... so be looking for them!

We'll keep you posted!
P.S. - Give us a holla at and tell us what you would like to see on a shirt!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Upcoming Event: AZ FBLA Southern Region Conference

Alright everybody, we got a pretty big deal coming up... today, Wednesday, is the big FBLA Regional Conference. Guess what... we're going to be there! This is one of our first big events to be at and we are PUMPED! In the words of Sean Kartchner, "It's BIG TIME!" So if your coming, stop by our booth and check us out... who knows there might even be a little something in it for you....